What is it?
Outdoor recreation is a term used to describe all forms of recreation in green surroundings, ranging from outdoor sports to a walk in the countryside. Considerable use is made of this ecosystem service in the Netherlands. Outdoor recreation is a source of relaxation, exercise and tranquillity for people of all ages. It has been proven scientifically that urban areas that include more green spaces help to reduce obesity among children, because they can play unhindered in attractive outdoor play areas.
Outdoor recreation is important to human health. Obesity among adults and children decreases when there are possibilities for sports and recreation in the immediate vicinity. Varied and more greenery creates more attractive play areas where children can and want to play and will do so more frequently. People find walking and cycling through nature a relaxing experience. This reduces stress, depression and anxiety disorders. These are three health problems that account for a significant proportion of the costs of the healthcare service. Green areas in cities, such as urban parks, public gardens and green spaces (including play areas) also make people appreciate the area more. This has a favourable effect on house prices and on the appeal of the surroundings.
In real life
Creating spaces where children and adults can engage in outdoor recreational activities in their own area is a matter of huge importance, not least because it is a way of combating obesity and reducing stress, depression and anxiety disorders. Ways of bringing about this situation include creating or enlarging sports facilities and green areas in cities.
Although it is not always easy to inject more greenery into cities, it is possible to make the existing green spaces more play-friendly or visually more attractive.
Real-life examples:
Recreational offer:
- Swimming water locations and quality
- Swimming water (soon available)
- Angling (soon available)
- Cycling in a natural setting
- Walking in a natural setting
- Green use of play areas
- Nature for the recreation sector (soon available)
- Amenity value of the landscape (recreation)
Nature area:
- National Ecological Network
- Nature measured on a map (NOK) (soon available)
- National parks
- Natura 2000 areas
- Protected nature sites outside Natura 2000
- Wetlands of the Netherlands (soon available)
- National landscapes
Nature in the human environment:
- Green public spaces around homes
- Value of nature to employment opportunities (soon available)